Donate your birthday to za’akah

Elevate and bring more meaning to your birthday by helping to protect children in our community from child sexual abuse, and joining the fight to secure justice for survivors. By joining our Donate Your Birthday campaign you’re not only helping ZA’AKAH continue its important work in the coming year, you’re also starting a conversation with your friends and family about child protection and justice for survivors, and giving them the opportunity to give you the most meaningful present possible: their commitment to the safety of our children.

Here’s how it works:

Facebook has an incredible platform for nonprofit fundraising, and once a year it gives everyone the opportunity to create fundraisers for their birthday to support the causes they find meaningful. By signing up to our Donate Your Birthday campaign, you’re letting us know that you’d like to dedicate your birthday fundraiser to ZA’AKAH. Getting involved is easy.

Step 1:

Sign up through the form below. We’ll ask for basic information (name, phone number, email address, Facebook profile link, date of birth).

Step 2:

A week before your birthday, go to the Fundraisers tab on Facebook. You’ll see a prompt to create a birthday fundraiser. Create a fundraiser for a nonprofit and choose SNAP as the nonprofit. SNAP is our fiscal sponsor and any donations made to them on our behalf will be fully tax-deductible. Set the goal to whatever you think you can raise from your friends. Makes sure to edit the fundraiser to include ZA’AKAH’s name in the title. For the description write about why ZA’AKAH is meaningful to you.

Step 3:

Mazal Tov! Happy Birthday! Treat yourself, hang out with friends and family, enjoy the party, cake, and company. Here’s to many more!

Step 4:

And that’s it! When the fundraiser is over we’ll stop by your page and send a link to the fundraiser to SNAP so we can collect the money you raised for is. Tizku le’miztvos!